What I Am Grateful For

My Family

An amazingly liberal family who’ve supported me financially, even though they themselves grew up in circumstances of unprivilege and hardship. Even when very young, my father used to help his family make ends meet by ing ice creams and paper bags in what was then the village Gurgaon. My mother used to balance house work: working as a science teacher (Grades 6th-10th) during the day (Bhurthala Mander) and attending evening classes towawrds an MA in Economics from Maler Kotla college. My parents both worked extremely hard ensure me and my sister up receive a stellar education, good health and nutrition and a household where ideas and debates flourish.

My sister

A mature, sensible sister who was sort of a visionary without knowing it. She planted in me and talent for maths; she had the foresight and good sense to get me admitted to one of the best schools in Chandigarh, instilled me from my first steps in the world a feminist world view. She was my prime conversation partner and caregiver when I was young. She has often sacrificed her dreams to support mine, who has been a bridge between me and parents, who has taken out thorns before I walked a path. [Continuously working in a bank, Mumbai when I was sick].

My Friends

Friends with strong bonds of trust and emotional support. Some of my best friends would describe me as their best friend. A wide network of talented, trusted individuals with high E.Q. from Oxford and IIT.

My Education

A stellar education, which included convent and sanskrit schooling, the sciences and the humanities, and an exposure to different cultures, extensive travel, competitive and recreational sports, the art of politics and an exposure to art in various media (movies, books, music, theatre).

My Country

An Indian upbringing: at the crossroads of east and west, with a healthy mix of individualism and communitarianism, of religious and scientific ideas, of traditional and modern values, of hardship and luxury. As I have grown up, almost all the people I have known have become better off - materially and in terms of opportunities. This is remarkable. We take democratic freedom and economic progress for granted - but they are not a given, and the collective of social and economic coorperation that is India has made them possible.

21 March 2019