Six Desires

First and foremost, and this is very long-term, I want to write a novel. A good novel. Why, even a great novel! - like one which would have words like ‘ambitious, philosophical, unique, masterpiece, expansive, mind-expanding, human condition’ etc. in its reviews. I feel, perhaps foolishly, that I have a unique view of the world, that I can see truths others don’t see, that I have ideas - good ideas - which few others, if any, would have. It would be a pity to leave this world without having left my imprint, without having revealed or exposed the truths I see, or let the ideas I have influence the way the world I leave behind. Actually, this is what all art is all about, and although this desire to give a form and expression to your ideas can be satisfied through music or movies or paintings and many other outlets, writing is the one which I have a strong feel for. I remember, as a kid, sitting on the floor at the second storey of our Sector 6 bungalow, writing on a blank A4 sheet of paper the story of my day. I remember spending a summer vacation filling a whole notebook with a fictional story about space villains - inspired by Captain Vyom. I remember reciting my surprisingly-good-in-hindsight poem, ‘Veer Jawan, Tujhe Salam’, to hospitalized Kargil war veterans (Little Angels), and writing even more terrible poems for my creative writing class (Bhawan Vidyalaya) and the school magazine (St. John’s). My urge to write persisted through primary school, middle school, high school and college. Writing, in short, is something which I have always had a desire for - it goes as far back as I can remember, so this is a desire unadulterated by any want of wealth, fame or power. And so… I want to spend my time reading great literature and good writers. I want to write with style, vigour and vibrancy. I want to write with humour. And I want to convert all the seemingly good ideas I have to words, every day, every time.

Second, I want to be strong and muscular. I want to flick rock-heavy suitcases on my arms as if they were pillows. I want to have a well toned body so that I don’t have to worry about my (rather non-existent) dressing sense. I want to look like Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis, not like a short middle aged bald man with a potbelly. I want to workout, swim, bike and row.

Third, I want to develop a wicked wit and a spontaneous sense of humour. A sense of humour which is intelligent, which neither deprecates the self nor offends the other. I want to tease my friends about all the little idiosyncracies and contradictions they have. I want to poke fun at the absurdities of being human. I want to be able to speak open and full heartedly when I speak to my tutors, workplace colleages and acquaintances. I want to be able to cheer up a gathering. I want to be able to hold court at dinner parties, give memorable speeches and be a powerful storyteller. I want to have a way with words.

Fourth, I want to be skilled in my craft. Specifically, I want to be proficient at writing good, clean, and useful code. More generally, I want to have elaborate views on economic policies, backed by data and history. I want to be able to persuasively debate and argue on any question within the ambit of ethics and politics (or maybe even beyond), and skilled at solving puzzles and brain teasers with deft solutions.

Fifth, I want to be be on top of practical life-saving skills, a la Bear Grylls. None of the above skills, for example, are going to help me during a Zombie Apocalype, so to speak. So for starters, I want to know how to drive well in unwelcoming terrains, fix cars and bicycles, start and sustain a fire, and cook a good meal. I want to be extremely good at administering emergency medical aid, or treating anyone who is sick. I would also like to have have a working knowledge of plants and herbs in the wild, and know how to treat animals well.

Sixth, I want to be able to recruit, motivate, mentor and lead a team towards finishing a mission. I want to be able to persuade with charm and negotiate with guile. I want to be a formidable community leader. As they say, no man is an island - at least till the Zombie Apocalypse.

23 August 2015