Competency Interview

Best advice on interviewing

Response to the code test. Architectural decisions made

The map/reduce via Hadoop involves a lot of boilerplate, so you could take us through that as well.

MapReduce has special datatypes for serialization, because data needs to travel across the network from the Mapper node to the Reducer node ( converting object data into byte stream data for transmission over a network across different nodes in a cluster or for persistent data storage.)

Hadoop data types used in Mapreduce for key or value fields must satisfy two constraints.

LongWritable: Default is TextInputFormat which gives byte offset of the line as the key, as in your case. byte offset of the key

Reporter: reports job progress for mappers and reporters. Important for the orchestraton framework handling it, as it might otherwise assume time out and kill a job.

What is Map Reduce?

Within a computer program, it is a design pattern for implementing functions that operate on sequences of elements, which uses the powerful idea of treating functions as first-class values that we can pass around and manipulate in our programs.

In a distributed system context, it is a programming model for executing batch jobs with parallel, distributed, algorithm on a cluster (e.g. processing and generating big data sets)

As an open source implementation (e.g. Hadoop), it is a system that orchestrates the processing of data by marshalling the distributed servers, running the various tasks in parallel, managing all communications and data transfers between the various parts of the system, and providing for redundancy and fault tolerance.

The use of this model is beneficial only when the optimized distributed shuffle operation (which reduces network communication cost) and fault tolerance features of the MapReduce framework come into play. Optimizing the communication cost is essential to a good MapReduce algorithm. The scalability and fault-tolerance achieved for a variety of applications by optimizing the execution engine.

The work they do Welcome Sanger?

Absorb and extend our use of an on-prem cloud:the code is terraform / ansible. The use is quite focused (standing up & tearing down spark clusters) but as none of us are devops people, we need someone to shoulder that responsibility. Quota-management and budget-management tasks which need a mix of front-end and back-end work (the front-end is mainly for people like me, who cannot stay on top of the administration).

What specifically about working at Sanger interests you?

My experience?

How you’d like to develop?

Linux Workload management tools (e.g. LSF or Slurm)

Any questions you have?

How to do Mock Interviews?

Write down a list of things that your interviewers should observe you on:

Specifically, the interviewer is trying to answer:

Research the company to discover specific traits they look for in staff.

These are intended to measure whether you fit with McKinsey culture (or what your interviewer thinks the culture is). That culture is compassionate, humble, curious, creative, intelligent, eager and confident. It honors leadership, integrity and hard work.

Google values an open culture, interactions between teams, and focuses on providing the best user experience. In an interview for this role, include experiences from your past that demonstrate you align with all of these traits. Do a quick brainstorm on what you think a successful Google employee looks like, and tailor your responses to align with this mentality. Get inside the interviewer’s head (not your own).

Examples of Skills:

Prepare Stories

Narrative Structure:

Some tips:


Stuff that did not work: Enrollment and Training of New Drivers (Trust)

My Skills

Skills to develop

Cover Letter

Dear Team,

I am an Oxford and IIT Delhi grad, interested in software engineering roles at your company, as mentioned in your hacker news post

Since last year, I’ve been the tech lead of a startup I founded. Our backend is based on JSON-based RESTful APIs, and utilizes the following stack: Express, Node.js, Mongodb, AWS. From a previous job at Opera Solutions (which was my first job out of college), I have experience of working on data delivery and storage pipelines for a big data analytics. I am proficient in Java, Javascript frameworks (Node.js, Mocha, Chai, Sinon), RESTful API design, data modelling, using version controls systems like Git, and implementing authentificiaton frameworks (including Oauth and Oauth 2.0)

In between those two stints, I have been product manager of a consumer-facing on-demand services app used by about 3 million users across 28 cities in India. As a product manager, I led a team of 15, made product roadmaps, conducted user research and wrote detailed user journeys for the developers to implement. Before that, I read PPE at Oxford. Both these experiences instilled in me good interpersonal and communication skills which I have found to be very valuable in my career.

I am currently based in India, seeking new opportunities, and looking to relocate.


Please find attached my CV. I also maintain a professional website, where you could find more details about my background:

Looking forward to hearing from you!


My Intro/Tell me about yourself/Why I am the perfect fit for this specific opportunity? (Suggest, not tell)

Why did you go for PPE?

Where did you hear about us?

What are you looking for?


Why company X?

Why should we select you? (Tell, not suggest)

What are your strengths?


What motivates you? What are you passionate about?

Passion for tech and metacognition about coding well

What are your weaknesses

What’s something you’ve worked on that you’ve been proud of?

What has been your greatest achievement?

How do you work in teams?

Briefly, what do you like & dislike about your current or latest role?

What I liked best about my latest role was that it gave me a lot of autonomy, which made me both disciplined and empowered at the same time!

What’s the most challenging work you’ve faced? (the strangest bug you had to debug on production, the most awful legacy system you needed to interface with, etc… this doesn’t need to be a success story) **Tell me an experience where you have in your job, and what have you done to overcome the challenge?**

Tell me about a time you led people to do something they didn’t want to do.

Tell me about a time you failed and how you overcame that failure.

Tell me about a time you had to change your mind in front of others, what happened?

Tell me about a time you had to work hard to meet a deadline that was virtually impossible. What did you do? How did you prioritize?

Experience making system architecture decisions (which stack to use, choice of storage enginers, whether to use microservices)

Situation: During the shipping of Platonia, we made quite a few architectural choices

Task: Choose a database for the application. SQL based like PostGreSQL (Relational) vs Mongo (NoSql) or Graph(Neo4J)



“Describe the most sophisticated analysis you have conducted in your work to reach a decision” They are looking for the processes you follow to reach a decision, to determine if you have a logical approach. They also want to see the level of technical skill you have in analysis.


“Tell me about a time you made errors in your work.”

They are looking for learnings, what steps you are now following to ensure a high level of accuracy in your work. They also want to see you have taken responsibility for your actions.

FB Account Kit in Login/Signup revamp caused the referrals to drop from 18% to 10%


“Describe to me a time where you have been in a team that was divided in their opinion.”

They are looking for how easily you can ease tensions within a team. Demonstrate leadership, your ability to bring together people with differing opinions.


“Tell me about a time where you had to explain a new concept to a colleague.”

They are looking for examples of your verbal communication ability, and skills in influencing. They want to grasp your understanding of the change process, as well as confirm you know that different people need to learn new concepts differently.

Aurora German work Explaining stuff to Harshal Sanghvi


“Tell me about a time where you failed to communicate effectively.” They are looking for insights into a failure. Demonstrate you have the maturity to admit where you did not succeed, and your learnings. They want to see you did not repeat the mistakes.

NUS Work


“Tell us about a time you saw a conflict coming.”

They want to see you can recognize and manage confrontations. They want to know you can handle difficult situations in a constructive manner.

Urvashi and Nitika: The rival Was


“Explain to me the most innovative solution you have created for a customer.”

They are looking for new ways of doing business, demonstrating you think outside of the box. They want to know that this can be repeated, and you can implement and take action on an idea.


Describe a Hard Decision you had to make “Tell me about a time where you took a course of action your team did not agree with.” “How did you handle the process, and what was the reaction from your team?” “How did you react to the negativity from the team?” “What did you learn from this situation?” “What would you change if you could redo this task from scratch?”

Awarding the best representative prize to a not-so-good quizzer Anurag Tiwari (QC)


“What is a decision you have needed to make that you ‘put-off’ the longest?”

They want to determine your ability to use available information to make decisions. They want to know that you can perceive future impacts and implications of your chosen course of action.

Firing Jugnoo employee Leaving Jugnoo for entrepreneurship

Sometimes delaying the decision helps: when the time allows more of relevant information to come in. But often we only delay out of fear, confusion, laziness or anxiety. In these cases, there might be a cost of delay, and delaying wouldn’t allay all those emotions or clear the confusion, but only worsen them. If you feel like delaying, you must introspect and be clear about Why you are delaying.


“Tell me about a time you delegated to the wrong person.”

They want to see you can demonstrate flexibility, and have the ability to make the best use of your subordinates. Also they want to see how well you support your team as a leader.


Delegating Menu planner to Shivam


“Describe a time you were caught in an inefficient process.”

They are looking for adaptability, and your drive in creating solutions to everyday problems. They are looking for someone willing to challenge the status quo.

While launching AskLocal, I was stuck with following the whims of the founder in deciding product direction.

Working with a remote designer from Europe


“Describe the biggest change you have had to overcome in your work.”

They are testing to see if you are adaptable to achieving your goals, and can rapidly change in response to new information, conditions or obstacles.


“Tell me the most important goal you have set, and how you successfully achieved it.”

They want to determine if you have structure to your tasks and methods for tackling big targets. They are looking for a process that you followed for success.

Rowing team IIT Jee Oxford 6 Pack Abs Launching Platonia


“Tell me about a time where you were given authority over a high priority task.” h priority task.”

They are looking for examples where your performance was better than normal staff. They want to know what makes you an ideal candidate, rather than another employee.


“Tell me about a time you raised your hand to tackle a new assignment which you had no experience with.” They are looking at your information gathering process, and ability to make effective decisions with limited data. Also judging your willingness to learn, and go above and beyond in your work.

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“Give me an example when you were asked to do something that went against your core beliefs”

They are looking for how solid your belief system is, and if it aligns to their corporate values. They want to know what you would do in a situation that challenged your personal values.

AskLocal content: not family friendly and potentially offensive to women vs local knowledge-based Jugnoo Star dogfeeding: force company employees to pay and use the new product


“Describe a time you had to make a connection with a person, but it was difficult because of pre-existing conflict.”

They want to see a demonstrated ability to connect through difficult situations. They want to know you can maintain professionalism and a cool head through a conflict.


“Tell me about a time you had an underperforming team.”

They want to know if you can act as a role model, and communicate a vision to the team. They want to see results, and examples where your actions influenced team behaviour.

Jugnoo Star: I actually ended up offending the developers NEGOTIATION

“Describe the most challenging negotiation you have been involved with.”

They want to see your ability to handle complex negotiations, your thought process and outlook (short/long term). They want to know how you work with clients, and the types of relationships you build.

“What steps did you take to prepare?” “Describe why it was so difficult.” “What was the outcome?” “What was the outcome for the other party?”

“We’ve all had situations where it was impossible to meet a deadline. Give me an example from your experience.” They want to know how you approached the task of delivering bad news to your superior. Your ability to communicate, manage expectations and take responsibility.


Describe an effective presentation you have delivered to a large audience.

They are after examples where you have demonstrated the technical skills of effective verbal communication.


“We’ve all had multiple projects at one point or another. Tell me about a time you had to juggle multiple responsibilities”

They want to see your ability to deal with pressure, stress, and perform under difficult circumstances.

Jugnoo Product Management

“Tell me about a time when you were the most productive member of a team.”

They want to know if you have what it takes to be the best. If you are willing to go above and beyond the expectations of your team to produce fantastic results.

Project Management

“Describe a process you have used to manage a project.”

They are looking at your ability to use logic and methods to achieve positive outcomes. They want to see you can lead a team, and have success.


“What is the riskiest decision you have made in the last six months?”

They want to know the process you follow to evaluate risk, and how you make a decision. They want to see examples where you weighed up the pro’s and con’s to make an effective decision.

“In hindsight, would you still make the same decision?”


“What problems have your staff brought to you recently, and how did you help?”

They are looking to see if you are sensitive to the needs of other people, and are aware of your surroundings and environment. They want to know if you have strong interpersonal skills.

“Describe a time you had to coach a subordinate to improved success.”

They want to see you can do more than simply lead, but are creating leaders and success through your subordinates.


“Tell me about a time you were leading a team, but they did not agree with you.”

They want to find out about your ability to perform under adverse conditions. They would also like to see how you rectified the situation.

“How did you manage this situation?” “What approach did you take to remain productive?” “Tell me more about the obstacles that you faced.”


09 April 2019